MsBoye, is a multifaceted artist. She wears many hats: actor, published poet, essayist, and playwright. Currently, she coordinates the Speaking Advocates Program and the Lion & Pirate Open Mic for ArtSparkTx. She produces & Co-hosts the “True Tales by Disability Advocates” podcast.
At forty, MsBoye discovered that her challenges weren’t due to laziness or underachievement but rather stemmed from being neurologically atypical and twice gifted.
With degrees from Goldsmiths College London and Naropa University, She’s also trained and ordained as an interfaith minister, dream-worker, and spiritual director.
She has performed with various companies, including Stage Q Theatre Company, Madison Theatre Guild, and TILT Performance Group. Her passion lies in giving voice to those with invisible disabilities, celebrating uniqueness, and serving her community through meaningful work.